4D Analytics

Electric Use vs Temperature

Last updated: July 10, 2020

Widget Size: 2 x 1

This widget is similar to a 2 Y axis graph, but is specific for Electrical usage against temperature. This can be very useful when the 2 points have very different scales of units.

This widget can display in 2 views:

  • Monthly: The data of the base points is summarised into daily values for that month.
  • Daily: The data of the base points is summarised into hourly values for that day.

The data can also be viewed across a specified number of days.


Value Default Comment
Widget Heading Electricity vs Temperature Enter the name of the widget as it is to appear in the heading.
Drilldown _DashUtilityvstemp.jsp?Utility=Electric The widget rotates between hourly and daily views as you click on plot lines or bars. A drilldown to Multiple Charts or Comparison Chart will take the user to the last 7 days of data irrespective of the date being viewed in the widget. Specify the Comparison Chart URL (comparisonChart.jsp??ignore=me&caller=3) or the Single Charts URL (multipleCharts.jsp??ignore=me&caller=3)
1st Axis Label Outside Temperature The label for the line axis.
2nd Axis Label Electric Consumption The label for the bar axis.
No. of Value CALENDAR View data from the default standard calendar, or select data from the last no. of days on a rolling basis.
Refresh Period 0 Select a refresh period from the drop down menu, from between 15 sec to 1 hr, or no refresh at all.


Drag and drop the required points from the tree.